
HA17431VP Shunt Regulator

价格: 62028.77
代购手续费: 100
商品の状態: 傷や汚れあり
配送料の負担: 送料込み(出品者負担)
配送の方法: 未定
発送元の地域: 長野県
発送までの日数: 1~2日で発送
更新时间: 15天前


4235   13   9

Data Sheet HA17431H Series
Shunt Regulator
The HA17431H series is temperature-compensated variable shunt regulators. The main application of these products is in voltage regulators that provide a variable output voltage.
The on-chip high-precision reference voltage source can provide ±1% accuracy, which have a V KA max of 36 volts.
• The reference voltage provide 2.500 V ±1% at Ta = 25°C
• The reference voltage has a low temperature coefficient
• The MPAK-5V (5 pin), MPAKV (3 pin) and UPAKV miniature packages are optimal for use on high mounting density circuit boards.
