
Amyl and The Sniffers Cartoon Darkness LP

价格: 5190241.34
代购手续费: 156

レーベルRough Trade

Raucous, muscular, and a ton of fun, the third LP from Australian upstarts Amyl and the Sniffers is one of the most punk moves they could make as their star rises around the world. Instead of getting comfortable with their burgeoning success and altering their sound for a growing mainstream audience, they veer off a cliff with maniacal smiles and wild abandon on Cartoon Darkness, a rabid, defiant collection of middle fingers. Shedding the youthful naivete of their party-friendly early releases, Amy Taylor, Bryce Wilson, Declan Martens, and Gus Romer confront the harsh realities of a burning world and are pissed off. Tackling weighty global topics and the torrent of issues plaguing the world in 2024, they cope by lashing out at critics, detractors, sexists, racists, and any other bad -ists one could imagine. Building upon their no-frills punk with hulking, stadium-rock scope, Cartoon Darkness is a sweaty, visceral thrill, apt for aggressive revelry, driving too fast, and scrapping for the fun of it. Its not a very friendly listen, but thats not the point: confrontational and cathartic, its existential bloodletting with a warriors fury and a shredded throat. Starting strong with the cuss-filled middle finger "Jerkin," Taylor takes direct aim at problematic observers with a torrent of expletives and taunts that flip the script against sexist online rabble, while "Tiny Bikini" mocks critics overly focused on her personal fashion choices. She continues with the delightful vocoder-in-the-outback-bounce of the empowerment anthem "Me and the Girls" and the standout "U Should Not Be Doing That," a horn-backed groover where strutting sleaze-rock energy collides with Taylors unfiltered rebuttal against the toxic sexism shes had to bear from "fans" and critics alike. Anger and frustration are pushed to the brink on "Its Mine," a bloody assault of unhinged punk fury, while the buzzing riffs on "Doing In Me Head" and the nihilistic "Pigs" prime the crew for even larger stages, showing off guitar-hero theatrics that are matched by a killer solo on "Motorbike Song." Shaking things up, "Bailing on Me" is a rare moment of peace, with a tender Taylor singing about heartbreak and vulnerability, and "Do It Do It" offers a fun pogo bounce with a rousing, singalong chorus. Three albums in, the quartet continue to mature and evolve without losing any of the fervor and drive that helped them crash the scene in 2019. On Cartoon Darkness, Amyl and the Sniffers arent messing around: these are growing pains, the sound of youth opening their eyes and finding the world they grew into is a steaming pile of injustice and misery. ~ Neil Z. Yeung
アミル・アンド・ザ・スニッファーズが3年ぶりのニュー・アルバム『Cartoon Darkness』を〈Rough Trade〉からリリース!

2023年の初来日公演も大盛況だった、フー・ファイターズやウィーザー、スリーフォード・モッズをも虜にするオージー・パンクの雄、アミル・アンド・ザ・スニッファーズが、実に3年ぶりとなるニュー・アルバム『Cartoon Darkness』を〈Rough Trade〉からリリース。
本作は、2024年初頭に、かつてニルヴァーナの『Nevermind』やフリートウッド・マックの『Rumours』がレコーディングされた、ロサンゼルスにあるフー・ファイターズが所有するStudios 606にて、プロデューサーのニック・ローネイ(ニック・ケイヴ、アイドルズ、ヤー・ヤー・ヤーズ)と共にレコーディングされた。
バンドはこれまで2枚のアルバム、『Amyl and the Sniffers』(2019)、『Comfort to Me』(2021)をリリースしており、これが通算3枚目のアルバムとなる。前作『Comfort to Me』で、オーストラリア・チャートで最高2位を記録し、ARIA Music Awards(オーストラリアの音楽業界の優れた作品を称える音楽賞)において最優秀ロックアルバム賞と最優秀グループ賞を受賞。そして、ここ日本も含む世界中で行われたツアーや、グラストンベリーなど世界最大規模のフェスへの出演、昨年のフー・ファイターズのサポートなどを経た、このガレージ・パンク革命児たちがリリースするのが、『Cartoon Darkness』である。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2024/08/22)
・オリジナル盤発売日 | 2024年10月25日