Entertainment Weekly - "LOVE AND HATE sets its widescreen vision from the start, opening with a 10-minute, glacially paced track that lets half its time run through before introducing Kiwanuka's aching vocal." -- Grade: B+Mojo (Publisher) - 4 stars out of 5 -- "[A]s confident a second statement as you could wish for, full of strong melodies, affecting lyrics, sharp playing, immense arrangements and sympathetic production."NME (Magazine) - "Opener `Cold Little Heart' is a stonking 10 minutes long -- a good five minutes of heroic `While My Guitar Gently Weeps' soloing, the angelic trilling of a butter-soft choir and a sweeping string section before Kiwanuka's astonishingly self-possessed vocal strides into the mix."
フォーキーでジャジーでソウルフル、レトロな薫りを漂わせながら、グッと胸に沁み入る詩情迸るサウンドがたまらなかった初作『Home Again』から4年、マイケル・キワヌーカの2作目が完成!アフロ・グルーヴを前面に押し出した"Black Man In The World"や終盤のコーラスが印象的な"Love & Hate"など、コンシャスなムードも際立つ逸品に!