
剣道 面手ぬぐい 面タオル おしゃれ 和柄手ぬぐい 42種 ( Cool Wagara-Tenugui )

价格: 55025.58
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"Tenugui" is japanese-towel, "Men-Tenugui" is head towel for KENDO.Feature is long (Kendo size 100 cm)【とんぼ tonbo】決して後ろに下がらない姿から勝虫と呼ばれ、多くの武将から愛された。勇猛果敢の意味があります。【Tonbo - Dragonfly】It was called Kachimushi(Seung Worm) because never fell behind and was loved by many warlords.It has the meaning of bravery.【桜 sakura】縁起物の代名詞。その華やかな咲き方は、新しい始まりをつげる意味を持っています。【Sakura - Cherry Blossoms 】Pronoun of good luck.The colorful way of flowering has the meaning of a new beginning.【匹田 hikita】鹿の子絞りの一つ。古代から神の動物とされる鹿。鹿は夫婦仲が良く、生涯伴侶を変えないことから夫婦円満の縁起物です。One of Shikanoko Shibori(deer child throttling). A deer that has been regarded as a paper animal since ancient times. A deer is a good luck husband and wife since the couple has a good relationship with one another and does not change her lifetime partner.【隈取 kumatori】歌舞伎などで勇ましさを表現するため、顔の筋肉を誇張する化粧。正義感の意味があります。Makeup that exaggerates the muscles of the face in order to express courage in kabuki and so on. It has the meaning of a sense of justice.【麻 asa】麻は早く育つので、子孫繁栄や事業拡大の縁起物とされてきました。【Asa - hemp】As hemp grows fast, it has been regarded as a blessing for offspring prosperity and business expansion.【環繋ぎ kantsunagi】輪と和をかけて和をつなぐことから、平和の縁起物です。It is a blessing of peace because it connects the sums by putting a circle and a sum.【松葉 matsuba】緑の葉を一年中保つ常緑の松は、健康の縁起物です。【Matsba - Pine leaves】Evergreen pines, which keep the green leaves all year round, are a blessing of health.【龍 ryu】神獣・霊獣といわれ、その勇ましい姿から権力者の象徴とされており、正義感と信用の意味を持っています。【Ryu - Dragon】It is said to be a god beast and a spirit beast, and it is regarded as a symbol of a powerful person from its brave figure, and has a sense of justice and credibility.【うさぎ usagi】跳ね回る姿から、飛躍のイメージをさせる縁起物です。【Usagi - Rabbit】Rabbit is a lucky thing that makes the image of leap from jumping.【金魚 kingyo】輝きながらゆらゆら泳ぐ金魚は、昔から金運の縁起物です。【Kingyo - Goldfish】Goldfish that swim and sway while shining have always been a fortune of fortune.【矢絣 yagasuri】放った矢は戻ってこないことから、結婚嫁入りの縁起物とされています。【Yagasuri - Arrow】The arrow we let go is not a return, so it is considered to be a wedding marry.【青海波 seikaiha】大海原の穏やかな波のように、いつまでも穏やかな暮らしが続くようにとの願いが込められています。【Seikaiha - Blue sea wave】Like the serene waves of the ocean, it is hoped that calm living will last forever.【紗綾型 sayagata】途切れず長く続く紋様から、家の繁栄や長寿を意味する縁起ものです。【Sayagata - Saya form】It is an auspicious thing that means the prosperity and longevity of the house from the continuous and long pattern.【折鶴 orizuru】鶴は古来より長寿を象徴する吉祥の鳥として、また夫婦仲が良いことから仲良きことの象徴の鳥とされています。【Orizuru - Paper crane】Since ancient times, cranes have long been regarded as symbols of longevity, and because they are good couples, they have been regarded as symbols of good friends.【富士山 fujisan】古くから神道による霊峰とされており、縁起物とされています。【Fujisan - Mt. Fuji】Mt. Fuji has long been regarded as a sacred mountain by Shinto, and has been regarded as a treasure.