

价格: 200092.80
代购手续费: 100
商品の状態: 傷や汚れあり
配送料の負担: 送料込み(出品者負担)
配送の方法: らくらくメルカリ便
発送元の地域: 大阪府
発送までの日数: 4~7日で発送
更新时间: 15小时前


Rio de Janeiro卖家其他商品
828   6   2

Music Selected and Mixed by Mr.BEATS a.k.a. DJ CELORY

1.Misty Morning - Duane Stephenson
2.And So I Will Wait For You - Freddie Mcgregor
3.We Are The World
4.Through The Fire - Elephant Man
5.You Are Everything - Venus
6.Ribbon In The Sky - Jamelody
7.Take Up Your Cross - Morgan Heritage
8.One Wish - Chris Myth
9.Ignition - Singing Melody
10.Be Without You - Angel
11.We Belong Together [Remix] - Keisha Patterson & Cobra
12.How Did You Do That - Sandra Cross
13.Stickwitu - M'Lonie
14.Come Over - Estelle
15.Mama Africa - Akon
16.I Believe - Phoenix
17.If You Were Mine - Oneil Shines
18.Love Is Just Around The Corner - Earl 16
19.Let Me Prove My Love To You - Susan Cadogan
20.Moonlight - Kofi
21.I'Ll Always Love You - Pam Hall
22.I Am Not Afraid - Etana
23.Take A Bow - Sandra Cross
24.I'M Falling In Love With You - Susan Cadogan
25.I'Ll Be The One - Etana
26.Unchained Melody - Sanchez

Reggae レゲエ Reraxin' With Lovers

Rio de Janeiro

27.Let There Be Light - Dennis Brown
28.Don'T Throw It All Away - Barrington Levy
29.I'M Still Waiting - Courtney Pine Feat. Carroll Thompson
30.It'S Over - Ranking Joe & Kofi
31.Sunrise - M'Lonie
32.You Make Me Feel Brand New - J.C.Lodge
33.Ooh Child - Freddie Mcgregor
34.Can'T Get Over You - Da'Ville
2019-07-28 16:50:51