
Chaka sneakers

价格: 11800549.88
代购手续费: 354
商品の状態: 未使用に近い
配送料の負担: 送料込み(出品者負担)
配送の方法: クロネコヤマト
発送元の地域: 青森県
発送までの日数: 1~2日で発送
更新时间: 240天前


D'Vint 高品質の製品。卖家其他商品
364   1   6

Chaka(Chaka). It is a unique colour and difficult to obtain! It was Bought for the price ¥ 26,520, it’s a Double Monks sneaker with a metallic combination colour. Chaka is ch = "channel" + aka = "akamine" combination.
In 1989, made his debut in Paris.
The TsutomuAkamine in the world
Manners and customs of the era and disseminating on the own channel
The lyrans stirring sense of humor and irony is woven. Draw a line and transient trends, Directed evolution hasn't withered away in adults. It is a brand message. Size: 26.5, Colour: black and deep brown, Condition: Used only one time, but size didn’t fit. Sorry, if you found some of the photos to be blur or unclear. Please contact us by commenting if you have any question. Thanks.