
Turkish Grammar

价格: 5500254.10
代购手续费: 165
商品の状態: 傷や汚れあり
配送料の負担: 送料込み(出品者負担)
配送の方法: ゆうゆうメルカリ便
発送元の地域: 東京都
発送までの日数: 1~2日で発送
更新时间: 6小时前


275   0   4

Turkish Grammar

Since its appearance in 1967, Professor Lewis's Turkish Grammar has been the standard work on the language throughout the English-speaking world. This revised and fully updated new edition further reflects the results of the language reform movement which, though not so drastic in its effect on the spoken language, has made anything written before the early 1930s, and a lot since, increasingly obscure to subsequent generations. Incorporating much new material, it presents an authoritative, lucid, and engaging text, setting out every form and construction of pre- and post-reform Turkish that may be encountered in print, as well as colloquial usages.