
The film scores of DIMITRI TIOMKIN

价格: 19991999.00
代购手续费: 100
商品の状態: やや傷や汚れあり
配送料の負担: 送料込み(出品者負担)
配送の方法: ゆうゆうメルカリ便
発送元の地域: 東京都
発送までの日数: 1~2日で発送
更新时间: 35天前


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The greatest film scores of DIMITRI TIOMKIN

1 Cyrano de Bergerac - Overture
2 The Alamo - Suite - i. Overture ii. Davy Crockett iii. Battle iv. Epilogue
3 The Old Man and the Sea - Theme, Cubana and Finale
4 The Four Poster - Overture
5 Giant - Suite - i. Prelude ii. There's Never Been Anyone Else But You iii. Finale
6 The Fall of the Roman Empire - The Fall of Love (Instrumental theme)
7 High Noon - Do Not Forsake Me
8 Rawhide - Theme
Andrew Playfoot (vocals)
9 The High and the Mighty - Suite
10 Hitchcock Suite - Dial 'M' for Murder and Strangers on a Train
11 Wild is the Wind - Theme
Whitney Claire Kaufman (vocals)
12 The Sundowners - Theme
13 Circus World - The John 'Duke' Wayne March
14 Land of the Pharaohs - Theme and Pharaoh's Procession
15 Friendly Persuasion - The Fair
16 Friendly Persuasion - Thee I Love

Richard Kaufman
London Symphony Orchestra
London Voices

