
Ezra Pound x 3 Book Set (洋書)

价格: 8250383.63
代购手续费: 248
商品の状態: 傷や汚れあり
配送料の負担: 送料込み(出品者負担)
配送の方法: らくらくメルカリ便
発送元の地域: 神奈川県
発送までの日数: 1~2日で発送
更新时间: 1天前


505   0   0

I am selling these as a three book set. Included are:

1. ABC of Reading. Published in 1960, it's an old book with dust on the spine. There is some red writing on the first page, and some sticker mark on the cover.
2. Guide to Kulchur. Published in 1970, there is some dust and dirt on the spine. The opening page also has a few small stains.
3. Literary Essays of Ezra Pound. Published in 1968 it is a dusty book.

The inside condition of all the books are good considering how old they are.
